Urut berdasarkan

Menjadi Seorang Perempuan yang Berpendidikan Tinggi, Apakah Itu Penting?

“Perempuan kalau ujung-ujungnya cuma di rumah ngurus anak, mendingan nggak sekolah!”. Setuju?

Menjadi Seorang Perempuan Berpendidikan Tinggi, Pentingkah?

Karena jadi ibu rumah tangga pun tetap harus punya wawasan…

Being a Highly Educated Woman, Is It Important?

Every woman has a nature to be a housewife. It is often used as a reason that a woman does not need a higher education if she only stays at home or becomes a housewife. It is the social stigma that is still growing in our environment. However, being a highly educated woman is important. […]